วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

The specialist Cleanse Lemonade Diet - Instructions For the Diabetic

Stanley Burroughs' book The expert Cleanser or The Lemonade Diet even has a guide for diabetics. Here is what he says:

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Diabetes is the follow of a insufficiency in diet (we can agree on this). The lemonade with molasses is and ideal way to supplement this deficiency. Directions must be followed carefully for the best results. The molasses supplies the essential elements for the pancreas to furnish insulin properly. As the elements are supplied to the pancreas, the estimate of insulin take may also be moderately reduced ( please go over this with you doctor before trying).

The specialist Cleanse Lemonade Diet - Instructions For the Diabetic

The specialist Cleanse Lemonade Diet - Instructions For the Diabetic

